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Version: Casuarina


Our Product​

Apporetum is comprised of 3 products that work together to enable your organisation to take control of your identities, their account and the access entitlements that accounts are granted. We’ve hidden the complexity, built in the smarts and bought all your information together so its easy to succeed.

Apporetum is available from the Microsoft Marketplace.

Apporetum overview

1. Apporetum Identity Manager​

This is where your Identity data is stored and processed, where you define and apply your business rules, drive the downstream provisioning and report across your environments. Identity Manager ‘knows all’ and is the Source of Truth for identities, accounts and automated entitlements across your ecosystem.

Apporetum overview identity manager

Enabling Identity Management:

  • Connects to multiple HR Systems of Record (bi-directional)
  • Correlates all accounts across your ecosystem (cloud and on premise) providing single unified view
  • Reports on accounts which require your action (unsanctioned, dormant, orphaned, inactive)
  • Detects lifecycle events from your Systems of Record, and orchestrates the provisioning and de-provisioning of accounts and entitlements (utilizing the Microsoft Entra capabilities)
  • Reports on data drift between HR System and the data in your directories
  • Publishes lifecycle events to the Event Grid to trigger workflows across your ecosystem
  • Understands and maintains the organisational structure of your enterprise

2. Apporetum Access Discovery​

This is where your application owner gains insight into who has access to what roles in their applications. It is a tool to both review and fine tune what access is currently in place, detect anomalies and gain confidence that the current access entitlements are current, correct and ‘right fit for role’.

Apporetem access discovery

Health check the access currently in place for your application:

  • Provides visibility of how many accounts have access to each role within your application
  • Detects & reports incomplete information
  • Detects & reports access given to externals
  • Detects & reports access in place for accounts that are dormant

3. Apporetum Access Manager​

Apporetum Access Manager simplifies the management of access to your applications.

access manager

Enabling Access Management:

  • Empowering business users to take control of who can access their application
  • Configure the guardrails for each role used within your application
  • Easily provision and de-provision access to roles
  • Easily build in approvals and notifications when roles are given or removed
  • End-date entitlements for short-term requirements or to trigger re-validation of need for the entitlement
  • See all changes to entitlements – historical view of access entitlements
  • Trigger reconciliation so you can detect unsanctioned entitlements that have been granted outside of correct processes
  • Trigger non-compliance check – where entitlements do not comply with the specified guardrails
  • Easily see how much access any account has across all of your applications
  • Administer and Govern Trusted Parties for your B2B channel
  • Easily integrate with your ITSM tool